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What Can I Do About My Dimpled Chin?

Several people every month ask me about their dimpled chins and how to get rid of them.  With the increased usage of selfies and Zoom calls these days, more and more people are seeing their own faces as others see them. Many people cause...

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Happiness Without the Gummy Smile

When we all smile, there are muscles in the upper lip that pull the lip upward.  It is a similar process to muscles in the cheek that pull up the corners of the mouth. In some people, the upper lip muscles are very strong; perhaps too...

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What is a Lip Flip?

Lip Flip is the term used to describe a Botox technique that causes a small but definite improvement of the visible pink portion of the lip.  This use of Botox, in the hands of a skilled injector, can be used to enhance the upper and/or lower...

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Crow's Feet Should Only Be For Crows

In our continuing series of blog posts about the benefits and attributes of Botox, we will next discuss those pesky lines that develop around the eyes that are commonly known as "crow's feet," or smile lines.  These lines...

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Brazilians Turn to Botox to Wipe Away That Quarantine Frown

A front page headline from the October 26, 2020 edition of The Wall Street Journal showcased a certain phenomenon that we have been seeing at our Maine Laser Skin Care offices in Augusta and Scarborough.  The only difference is...

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Forehead Wrinkles in the Age of COVID

Since we reopened our offices in May, many of our clients and patients have noted how much scrutiny their upper faces are getting due to their wearing masks on a regular basis.  We had previously addressed scowl lines between the eyes as a...

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Treating Frown Lines in These Times of Stress

Since May 2020, we at Maine Laser Skin Care have returned to our Augusta and Scarborough offices full time again.  Since we reopened after it was safe to do so, we have observed a curious phenomenon. More and more people from all walks of...

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Mask-ne Update

When last we wrote in this blog about mask-ne, it was a relatively new phenomenon as a skin problem.  Since then, and as mask wearing has increased as it should to slow down the spread of COVID-19, we are seeing more and more people with skin...

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Rejuvenate Around Your Eyes with PRP

According to a recent study from the University of Rome, platelet rich plasma, better known as PRP therapy, is being used more frequently and plays a prominent role in treatment for Periorbital or around the eye rejuvenation.  In this...

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An Ideal Diet for Healthy Skin

A common question we receive here at Maine Laser Skin Care is: "Do I need to take supplements to help with my skin?"  The question implies whether or not one would have to buy vitamins in pill form at the grocery store or...

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Can Botox Reduce Teeth Grinding?

Teeth grinding primarily occurs when people unconsciously clinch the jaw and grind their teeth, usually while they are asleep. The medical term for teeth grinding is Bruxism. The causes of Bruxism are unknown.  However, it is thought...

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Botox as an Antidepressant?

Could Botox directly treat depression?  Previously, people inside and outside of the medical field presumed that the improvement in a person's appearance by eliminating wrinkles and lines on the face reinforced positive emotions in...

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Face It: Your Hands Also Show Your Age

All of us want to achieve a balance between aging gracefully and not looking older than our birthdate says we are.  For that reason, we give much of our attention from an aesthetic point of view to our faces. Your face is, after all,...

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How Does Botox Actually Work?

Many of the fears that some people have about Botox stem from a misunderstanding of how Botox actually works.  Many clients come in and express concerns about muscles being paralyzed or about Botox spreading within their body. Understanding...

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Setting the Record Straight on Sunscreen

There are some misleading media reports out there about sunscreen use and, if you can believe it, its potential harms.  Reports like these, a vast majority of which are illegitimate, can lead many to wonder about whether or not they should be...

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