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Under-Diagnosed Chest and Back Acne

When it comes to acne, most attention is directed at the face.  However, acne is also frequently found on the chest, back, and shoulders, where it is known as truncal acne. In fact, studies have shown that more than half of those...

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Get Your Skin Checked

While many people are great about things like getting their oil changed, their teeth cleaned, or their eyes examined, many folks are not very diligent about looking after their biggest organ- their skin.  According to the American Cancer...

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Do You Have Sugar Face?

It is probably no surprise to anyone that excessive sugar is not good for you.  Sugar is certainly bad for your teeth and your waistline, never mind making you more susceptible to diabetes and the long term consequences of obesity. What many...

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Smoother Eyes Without Surgery

As we get older, there comes a point where many of us look at our own eyes in the miror and see puffiness, sagging, or dark circles that don't go away with just a couple of good nights of sleep.  There are certainly some people...

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Getting Rid of the Double Chin

We at Maine Laser Skin Care get asked a lot about how to get rid of the fat below the face and around the chin area, perhaps better known as the "double chin".  This question is also usually accompanied by the statement, "I hate...

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Can You Become Immune to Botox?

“Can you become immune to Botox?” is a common question that clients frequently ask us.  There is a small minority of people who feel that Botox treatments are less effective over time, and wonder about possible immunity or...

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Less Common But Very Effective Uses of Botox

  We at Maine Laser Skin Care have been using Botox to improve the appearance of our Maine patients and clients since 2003.  In fact, Dr Burke was one of the first Maine doctors to use Botox in the early 2000s for aesthetic...

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Dermaplaning In Demand

What is Dermaplaning?  Dermaplaning is a non-invasive technique where a certified aesthetician uses a sterile scalpel to remove vellus hair on the face (i.e. peach fuzz) and the top layer of dead skin cells. This process of...

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Common Skin Care Ingredients to Avoid

At Maine Laser Skin Care, we are proud to provide what is referred to as medical grade skin care.  In other words, the skin care treatments and products we offer are as close to 100% safe as possible, but with sufficient potency to achieve...

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Why Dark Spots Appear On Your Skin

Many of us want our skin, regardless of its color or complexion, to look equal throughout.  This universal desire is the main reason makeup is so popular. Even though many of us know that makeup and airbrushing are the reason that the faces of...

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Rosacea As an Inflammatory Disease

  Although rosacea is obviously not a life-threatening process, it can be very embarrassing to the individual who has it,  It also can, and mostly likely does, affect their self-esteem and sense of well-being. According to...

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Solutions for Hair Loss

There are over 300 million people in the United States.  Amazingly, over 80 million of us have issues with hair loss. The causes of hair loss are actually complex, and can vary from person to person. Simply put, the loss of hair...

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Better Skin with Dairy-Free Diet

  The linkage between dairy products and skin problems has been controversial for many years, mostly due to pushback from the diary industry.  However, increasing numbers of studies sponsored by the American Academy of Dermatology and not...

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Sunscreen in Quarantine?

  A client recently asked me, "Do you still recommend that I wear sunscreen even if we are in quarantine?"  While not technically quarantined, this client, like many of you, had not been outside for several days except to go...

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Product of the Month- March 2020

This month's Product of the Month is a powerful facial and neck cream that has been clinically proven to promote a brighter and clearer complexion. SkinCeuticals' Glycolic 10 Renew Overnight is formulated with 10% glycolic acid, which helps to...

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