What Can Be Done For My Floppy Earlobes?

We know that the title of this blog post sounds like a very trivial question, especially in light of the COVID pandemic and the state of the world, but it is an occasional query that keeps coming up.  The earlobe in all humans of all ages is already a thin piece of skin that can be affected by piercings and aging.

As we get older, we experience a natural loss of subcutaneous fat and collagen.  This effect is particularly notable in already thin areas of skin, such as the earlobe.  Many women even discontinue wearing pierced earrings as they get older because their more floppy earlobes can no longer support their earrings.

One solution to this problem is to inject a hyaluronic-based filler directly into the lobe of the ear.  The injection technique involves filling the earlobe to restore the natural shape, and then gently massaging the lobe to equally distribute the filler in an even layer throughout.

Because the earlobes do not move, fillers will generally last longer than usual.   We have seen the fillers last somewhere in the 12-18 month range.

An additional benefit is that since the earlobe is thicker and therefore stronger, it is less likely to tear from prolonged or heavy earring use.  Earlobe wrinkling is reduced significantly, which is definitely a win-win.

We know that this condition may not be the most earth-shattering problem in this crazy post-COVID world, but it is an aggravation about which people ask and want to have addressed.  If you have questions about this or any other aesthetic issues, call us for a free consultation either at (207) 303-0125 in Scarborough, or at (207) 873-2158 in Augusta.