I have been claiming for over four years that skin care procedures that use platelet rich plasma, or PRP, work to improve the skin. Now, more studies are verifying the overwhelming clinical evidence that proves this claim.
Charles Runels M.D. performed the original dermatology work with PRP. I had the honor and privilege to train with Dr. Runels several years ago on these treatments. I still participate weekly on his webinars to keep up with new developments in this field.
In November 2018, the Journal of the American Medical Association Dermatology published a recent study that tested the effectiveness of PRP injections on improving the texture of aging skin. The researchers in this study performed a trial with 27 patients ranging from 18-70 years of age, and looked specifically at wrinkles on the cheeks.
Each patient received 3cc (cubic centimeters) of PRP to one cheek and 3cc of sterile saline (which should do nothing as it is inactive) to the other cheek. None of the patients had any idea which side was injected with PRP.
Six months after the one treatment with PRP to one cheek and saline to the other, both the patients themselves and independent observers were asked to rate which side was more improved. It was noted that both fine lines and coarse texture were significantly more improved on the side treated with the single set of PRP injections compared to the saline side.
This study continues to add to the body of evidence that PRP improves skin texture by stimulating collagen production into the areas injected. The PRP injections result in restoration of volume and smoothing of the skin’s surface.
We at Maine Laser Skin Care are the foremost providers of facial PRP procedures in the state of Maine. We have the experience to customize the injection or micro needling process (as used in PRP procedures and in combination with Secret RF) to help you look younger and more refreshed.
We perform PRP procedures at our offices in Scarborough and Augusta. If you want to see if this innovative technology can help you, call our Scarborough office at (207) 303-0125 or our Augusta office at (207) 873-2158 to schedule a free consultation with us.