Now Offering Nutrafol - Hair Growth Nutraceutical

As many of you know, we here at Maine Laser Skin Care have been offering a variety of hair growth treatments for a number of years. These include the use of platelet rich plasma, or PRP, injections into the scalp, as well as the more recent addition of the Alma TED system to stimulate hair growth through the use of ultrasound.

When it comes to thinning hair, recent studies have concluded that there is more to it than genetics alone. Hair thinning can have multiple causes and can affect each of us differently throughout various stages of our lives. These causes can include aging, nutrition, changes in metabolism, lifestyle, stress, and hormonal balances.

Other studies have also shown that there are a number of specific natural incurring ingredients that can improve hair growth by targeting these multiple causes of hair thinning. For that reason, we are delighted to now offer Nutrafol to our roster of hair regrowth treatments.

Nutrafol combines a patented blend of particular ingredients that have been shown to be very specific for hair growth.  Due to the difference in causes of hair loss, Nutrafol offers different formulations for men and women.

In clinical studies, women experienced a 93% improvement in dryness and brittleness after six months of Nutrafol use.  Within the same time period, these same women also reported 100% hair growth improvement after nine months.

Anecdotally, we have had a number of women who have been taking Nutrafol in addition to using our Alma TED system simultanoeulsy.  They have each seen significant improvements at much earlier stages of treatment than reported in the aforementioned studies.

In similar studies with men, 84% saw visible improvement in hair after six months of using Nutrafol alone.  72% of men also reported overall improvement in scalp coverage.

As a medical spa and having had extensive experience in hair regrowth technologies, Maine Laser Skin Care is proud to offer Nutrafol to our clients.  For those who commit to and pre-pay for a three month treatment of either PRP or Alma Ted, they will receive a three month supply of Nutrafol as part of their hair regrowth package.

Of course, other patients and clients who want to start Nutrafol without the hair regrowth treatments can do so.  Even better, because of our buying power status as one of the busiest medical spas in New England, they can start at a price point lower than even online vendors.

You don’t have to put up with thinning hair anymore.  Call us either in Scarborough at (207) 303-0125, or in Augusta at (207) 873-2158 to start on the #1 dermatologist recommended hair growth supplement and even book a consultation on how we can help your hair and scalp further with enhanced technology.