Got Hair Loss? We Have Hair Restoration

The most common form of hair loss is known medically as androgenetic alopecia (AGA), which is a progressive thinning of hair occurring with age.  By the age of 70, 80% of men and 40% of women are affected by this condition.

Although age is a significant factor, genetics and androgens (make hormones) also heighten the risk of hair loss.  Recent studies have determined that alopecia can also be worsened by areas, inflammation, and environmental factors.

It is now recognized that since hair loss is caused by a number of interacting factors, treatments for this condition should address more than one precipitating factor.  At Maine Laser Skin Care, we have multiple approaches for addressing hair loss, including use of platelet rich plasma injections (PRP), Alma TED (trans epidermal delivery), and Nutrafol hair growth nutraceutical.

Our multipronged approach targets multiple factors in order to stop and reverse alopecia and therefore restore your natural hair follicle balance without invasive treatments such as hair transplants.  Both PRP and Alma TED stimulate scalp circulation and collagen production.

When our consultation determines which of these initial treatment protocols is best for you personally, we add Nutrafol, which contains a combination of vitamins and plant and herbal supplements.  This merger of elements is anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant.

Current scientific information indicates that we can stop and reverse hair loss in both men and women by using multiple technologies, treatments, and supplements.  If you have hair loss, we at Maine Laser Skin Care have hair restoration answers for you.

For a confidential and free consultation, call us at either (207) 873-2158 in Augusta, or (207) 303-0125 in Scarborough.  In more ways than just hair restoration, we can help you look better and feel better.