Fraxel Found Superior In Improving Long-Term Sun Damage

Sun damage, also known as photoaging, is characterized by hyperpigmentation (i.e. age spots), broken capillaries, skin roughness, and loss of skin elasticity.  Several recent studies in the Journal of Cosmetic and Laser Therapy highlight the advantages of non-ablative fractional laser therapy on sun damaged skin, with the Fraxel laser being the gold standard in that category.

The studies involved female patients between the ages of 35 and 53 who had mild to moderate facial sun damage.  These patients were given a series of 4 laser treatments 2-4 weeks apart, and then followed up at 1 month and 3 months after their final sessions.

At the 3-month follow up, 60% of participants showed overall improvement in appearance on a global skin enhancement scale.  In specific categories of photoaging, even more substantial improvements were documented.

Age spots decreased by 70%, broken blood vessels decreased by 80%, skin elasticity improved by 80%, and skin roughness and keratoses decreased by 60%.  The precision of these treatments also stimulated elastin and collagen production with minimal downtime.

These several studies concluded that Fraxel non-ablative fractional laser treatments are a highly effective approach to fostering healthy skin.  Since this particular treatment delivers a significant laser outcome, fall and winter are the best times to get this therapy before the stronger ultraviolet exposure of the spring and summer appear.

Maine Laser Skin Care is one of the few medical spas in Maine that utilizes the Fraxel laser.  At a free and no obligation consultation, we can certainly assess if Fraxel would be the best treatment for you versus some of our less intense but still very effective laser treatments.

Feel free to call us either in Augusta at (207) 873-2158 or in Scarborough at (207) 303-0125.  We can schedule you in to make 2024 your healthiest skin year yet.