Solutions for Hair Loss

There are over 300 million people in the United States.  Amazingly, over 80 million of us have issues with hair loss.

The causes of hair loss are actually complex, and can vary from person to person. Simply put, the loss of hair involves a set of interactions between stem cells, hair shafts, melanin, and growth factors.

Some of these factors are based on heredity.  Others are affected by hormones, medication, and stress.

Fortunately, Maine Laser Skin Care has one particular solution for hair loss: the use of platelet rich plasma, or PRP.  PRP was first found to be helpful in medicine when it was shown to help to heal difficult injuries and wounds in orthopedic surgery.

PRP was successfully used to help repair joints and bones for about a decade before it was used to rejuvenate thinning hair.  Several years after the discovery of its efficacy in stimulating collagen growth in the face,  PRP was tried in the area of hair loss treatments and the current successful protocols were developed as a result.

Through a series of studies, PRP was found to stimulate hair follicles to grow healthier and thicker.  My mentor in this field, Charles Runels M.D., is the innovator of this technique, along with the Vampire Facelift and the Vampire Facial.

Since we at Maine Laser Skin Care have been performing this PRP Hair Regrowth procedure, we have helped both men and women of all ages.  As you might imagine, our first clients in this technique were men who embarrassed by their hair loss.

They wanted to find a solution after over-the-counter topical treatments did not work for them.  They also did not want the expense, downtime, and invasiveness of hair transplants.

Over the ensuing years, women have also discovered PRP as a solution for age-related thinning hair.  PRP works for women for many of the same reasons it works for men.

The hormone culprit for most hair loss in both genders is testosterone.  For males, this is the predominant hormone throughout their life from puberty on, and some males are most sensitive to the toxic effects of testosterone due to their genetic makeup.

In women as they age and hormonal levels change, they experience drops in estrogen levels and an associated proportionate rise in testosterone.  This increase in testosterone can cause significant hair thinning.

The PRP procedure involves drawing a tube of blood in a special tube that will separate the various components of your blood when centrifuged at a specific rate and for a specific amount of time.  This tube is spun in laboratory centrifuge for 20 minutes while a layer of numbing cream is applied to the scalp.

For those who are not squeamish, we show the client the various blood components in the tube so you will understand more thoroughly the science of the process.  The layer of PRP is then harvested into a series of 1 cc syringes.

Through a very small needle, small increments of PRP are injected into the areas of thinning hair on the scalp in a grid pattern where it diffuse into the dermis where the stem cells and roots of hair reside.  We also recommend the use of Rogaine on the scalp daily and a combination of vitamin supplements that have been shown to work to enhance the effects of the PRP injections.

The PRP continues to stimulate new hair growth over the 6-12 months following the first treatment.  The growth factors within the PRP release slowly over time to regenerate dormant hair follicles and thicken the existing hair follicles.

The current hair in the treated area (i.e. the hair that isn't lost) initially thickens and strengthens.  Over time, small peach-fuzzy hairs then start to grow in between these existing hairs and within the more balding areas.

We have had many cases where the individual client notices the thickening effect within the first month.  We have also been told that barbers and hair dressers who were not know of the individual's PRP treatment have commented about the improvement in hair thickening and hair growth.

The protocol developed by multiple doctors of the Cellular Medicine Association, of which we are members, recommends 3-4 treatments spaced one month apart for both men and women.  If you or a loved one are wondering if you are a candidate for this hair regrowth treatment, you can schedule a free and confidential consultation with us, and we can answer any questions you may have.

While we are currently closed due to the mandatory COVID-19 shutdowns, we will be reopening when it is safe to do so, and can schedule a consult at that time.  Meanwhile, be safe, keep a safe social distance, wash your hands religiously, and we will all get through this together.