Hate the Double Chin? You Will Love the New CoolMini!

Until recently, the only non-surgical approach to the double chin fat has been Kybella injections.  While highly effective, many people don’t like the idea of having needles pricked into their neck and the subsequent swelling and redness that results as the fat cells are being liquefied and removed from that area.

Remarkably, Maine Laser Skin Care has added another highly effective and completely non-invasive approach to treating the double chin area in the form of the CoolMini device by CoolSculpting.  This FDA-approved treatment is the most advanced fat reduction treatment for small areas such as the area under the chin.

The CoolMini is both safe and effective.  It only takes one to three treatments under the neck to dramatically improve the appearance of the double chin areas with few if any side effects.

Since there are no needles, no anesthesia is needed and there is no discomfort, swelling, or bruising afterwards.  This is the latest application of CoolSculpting technology that damages and kills fat cells in a local area by a process called cryolipolysis.

Basically, extreme cold causes the damage to fat cells without damaging other tissues such as the skin.  Your body then removes the damaged tissues gradually through natural repair mechanisms over a period of several months.

We are excited to introduce this CoolMini at both of our offices in Augusta and Scarborough.  We have a video posted on Facebook showing the treatment in action and with an associated contest to win a free treatment.

If you have a Facebook account, simply view the video, then like, comment, and share the video and you will be entered.  A drawing will be held October 26, 2018.


The video has had over 10,000 views just this past weekend.  Hurry to see this amazingly simple but highly effective treatment in action, and get your name in the drawing!