Alma TED Stops Hair Thinning and Loss

What is Alma TED?  Alma TED is a state-of-the-art non-invasive hair growth treatment that is specifically formulated to treat both thinning hair and hair loss.

TED is short for TransEpidermal Delivery.  It is an innovative technology that is based on ultrasound, which uses the power of sound waves and air pressure that is produced by the sound waves to help a unique hair growth formula penetrate the scalp.

TED also stimulates blood flow to the scalp, which in turn stimulates existing hair follicles to produce thicker and stronger hair.  Even better, TED achieves the benefits of hair growth and thickening without needles, discomfort, or shedding.

TED treatments do not require any anesthesia and no significant preparation time. The total treatment time is about 45 minutes, and usually consists of a painless warm vibrating sensation as the ultrasound waves stimulate the circulation and help hair care formula penetrate deeply into the skin.

The treatment plan usually involve three treatments, each of which are administered one month apart for three consecutive months. We take photographs of your hair at the onset of therapy, and approximately a month after your third treatment.

If you are one of many thousands of men and women who are embarrassed by thinning hair and hair loss, Maine Laser Skin Care’s Alma TED Hair Restorative treatment program can be your solution to restore your hair.  We are proud to be the first medispa in Maine to offer this state-of-the-art technology.

Anyone who is suffering from hair thinning or loss is a likely candidate for TED.  All candidates must also be in generally good health, are not fully bald, and have not received recent steroid treatments.

We offer this treatment at both of our locations. Call us either in Augusta at (207) 873-2158, or in Scarborough at (207) 303-0125 to schedule your free consultation.